Mini projects play a vital role in mechanical engineering degree. Mini projects help mechanical engineering students in understanding theoretical concepts by putting things into work in practical manner. Until unless one does not create proto types, one cannot understand the real potential of a theoretical concept. When I was studying in engineering college, I noticed many students having difficulty in finding a perfect mini project idea for mechanical engineering. Some good professors do help their students by issuing a list of possible project ideas under their supervision. But sometimes they ask students to come up with new ideas. Due to limited experience and knowledge, students cannot think of new innovative ideas for mini projects.
I have compiled a list of best mini project ideas for mechanical engineering students so that all students may benefit from this list. I will keep on adding more project ideas to this list over time. Updated lists will keep students linked with new technology. If you find difficulty in understanding any of these projects, you may ask for details in the comments section of this page. And if you have some better mini project ideas, do share with fellow students in comments section of this page.
Here is the complete list of ideas for mini projects:
- Fruit picking robot
- Grass cutting robot
- Trimming robot for plants on large scale
- Steam engine powered bicycle
- Wind mill pump
- RC Controlled bike with sensors to balance itself
- RC controlled bicycle with censors to balance itself
- Stair climbing handcart
- Any project related to solar energy
- Biogas plant
- Chair for physiotherapy
- Power generation using irrigation canals
- Power generation using railway tracks
- Sun powered water heater
- Waste detector to segregate different types of waste (organic, combustible etc)
- Hovercraft controlled by android
- Robot for putting plant seeds in soil
- Wheel chair controlled through mobile
- Robot for peeling chicken skin
- Multiple axis sliding table
- Rotating shelves for refrigerator
- Bottle vending machine
- Electricity generation from speed braker
- Rain water harvesting system
- Mini Wind Mill to be installed on car for powering AC
I hope this list of mini project ideas will help mechanical engineering students in learning their subjects in practical manner. These projects can be easily carried out in university at low cost. Negligible cost for manufacturing is involved. If any student wants more help or ideas, keep posting your thoughts in comments so that I may help. If you will not post comments, I will not be able to find out your queries. I know some students try to skip mini course projects. I want to warn all those students that they are playing with their degree. If you will not do anything practical at your university, you will be forced to do a managerial job at lowest salaries after graduation. That’s a bitter reality.
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